Lines of Communication


2023-2024 Regular Meetings
Stuart Administrative Center
USD 379 Video Link to BOE meetings

July 10, 2023
August 14, 2023
September 11, 2023
October 9, 2023
November 13, 2023
December 11, 2023
January 8, 2024
February 12, 2024
March 18, 2024
April 8, 2024
May 13, 2024
June 10, 2024

June 25, 2024

July 15, 2024

Strategic Planning Image

Andrew Auld
P: 785.210.7030

1901 5th St.
Clay Center, KS 67432

Email Andy Auld

Term Expires: January 2026

Linda Sleichter
P: 785.630.0673

1282 21st Rd.
Clay Center, KS 67432

Email Linda Sleichter

Term Expires: January 2028

Jeffery Cannizzo
P: 785.461.5211

P.O. Box 295
Wakefield, KS 67487

Email Jeff Cannizzo

Term Expires: January 2026

David Jermark
P: 785.447.2576

1034 Prairie Rd.
Clay Center, KS 67432

Email Dave Jermark

Term Expires: January 2028

Tracy Claeys
P: 785.447.1115

1392 16th Rd.
Clay Center, KS 67432

Email Tracy Claeys

Term Expires: January 2028

Shanna Sterling
P: 785.447.3812

612 Franklin
Clay Center, KS 67432

Email Shanna Sterling

Term Expires: January 2028

Jason Bergsten
P: 632.1992

710 Hillcrest
Clay Center, KS 67432

Email Jason Bergsten

Term Expires: January 2026

Correspondence to the whole board may be sent via the Superintendent.

Clay County School District
Board of Education

c/o Brett Nelson, Superintendent
PO Box 97
Clay Center, KS 67432

Email Brett Nelson

January 2024 USD 379 Board of Education

Addressing the Board

Community input is both welcomed and encouraged at specific times during Board meetings. The following protocol should be used when requesting to speak to the Board.

Prior to the starting of the meeting, patrons wanting to address the Board shall sign the Citizens’ Open Forum Register located on a table, next to the door.

Patrons are requested to list on the register, the topic(s) to be presented, and the appropriate organization(s) or individual(s) represented.

Each speaker may speak no longer than five minutes.

Up to three minutes shall be allowed for Board of Education members to ask questions for clarification of the person making the presentation. The responses to the questions shall be included in the three minutes time limit. The presiding officer may grant additional time at his/her discretion.

The Board of Education president or presiding officer may ask a spokesperson to speak for the group in the event that more than three-person wish to speak and will determine the time allocations for each.

Information may be submitted to the board in written form.

Presentations containing information or comments related to USD 379 personnel may be referred for review in executive session.

The Board president or presiding officer has the option to stop the proceedings at any time or poll the board to determine if a speaker may continue.

The Board of Education recognizes the importance of citizen presentations and desires to make fully informed decisions based upon careful consideration of all sides of the issue(s) presented. The Board of Education, therefore, desires to take under consideration as needed, information gleaned from citizen presentations in an effort to determine the appropriate response.