Jessie Smith
Lincoln 785-632-2156
Suzanne Ahlberg
CCCMS 785-632-2133
Garfield 785-632-2125
Lindsay Bloomdahl
Wakefield 785-6461-5437
CCCHS 785-632-2131
Information regarding COVID testing:
USD 379 will continue to work closely with the Clay County Health Department and offer free COVID testing to all staff, students, parents and caregivers. Testing identifies infected people who may be contagious so that measures can be taken to prevent further transmission. KDHE has been awarded federal funding to increase COVID-19 testing in schools and school-affiliated programs and camps. USD 379 will utilize these testing resources. Minors will need informed consent from a parent or guardian.
Free COVID take-home tests are also available upon requests. Please contact a school nurse.
Health Physicals
K.S.A. 72-5214 Subject to the provisions of subsection (d) and subsection (g), on and after July 1, 1994, every pupil up to the age of nine years who has not previously enrolled in any school in this state, prior to admission to and attendance in school, shall present to the appropriate school board the results of a health assessment, pursuant to subsection (g), which assessment shall have been conducted within 12 months of school entry by a nurse who has completed the department of health and environment training and certification, by a physician or by a person acting under the direction of a physician.
Vision Screening
A vision screening is provided for each student during the year in which the student is in grades pre-K-K-1-2-3-5-7 and 9. Screenings will also be conducted as necessary on new enrollments and other students as requested throughout the school year. Notification of screening results will be sent to parents during the school year. Screening results are documents for each student.
Hearing Screening
A hearing screening is provided for each student during the year in which the student is in grades pre-K-K-1-2-4-6-8 and 10. Screenings will also be conducted as necessary on new enrollments and other students as requested throughout the school year. Notifications of screening results will be sent to parents during the school year. Screening results are documents for each student.
Dental Screenings
Free dental screenings will be offered annually. These will be conducted by appropriate dental care providers.