Congratulations to Lincoln Elementary on your acceptance into Apollo II! #usd379

Hey USD 379 parents! Please fill out this survey as we work on our plan for reopening school in 2020-2021. #usd379

Reopening update letter for USD 379. Feedback surveys will be coming out shortly.

Project Lead Summer Camp sign-up is available! Deadline to sign-up is July 17th. Information and link to sign-up on the website:
#usd379 #projectleadfun

Please see the attached flyer about the new Kindergarten Roundup date on July 30. We hope to see you there! #lincoln379 #usd379

USD 379 June Board Meeting will be starting on zoom. We will have our youtube link running shortly! #usd379

Check out the Kids Cafe Meet and Eat opportunity in our community! https://rb.gy/tnopc9

Lincoln and Garfield Parents,
Forget to pick up your yearbooks, art portfolios, and other items last Thursday? There's still time! Come by anytime between 8 and noon this week and ring the front door. We will come to you! #usd379

Expect Success video is ready! Please join us in watching our special staff with their awards!

Just a reminder, no food distribution on Monday, May 25th, Memorial Day. We will pick back up on Wednesday, May 27th! #usd379 #bettertogether

We are at the bus barn for Expect Success!! Drive through and help us celebrate our staff! #usd379

If you weren't able to check in your end-of-the-year supplies yesterday, there's still time! Please come to Garfield this morning from 8 a.m. to noon. ALL technology must be returned.

Because of the threat of rain, Thursday's check in at Clay Center has been moved to the Bus Barn, which is located behind Lincoln Elementary at 1002 Clay Street. Please enter on the west side of Clay Street and not from the north. Wakefield's check in will remain the same.

Check out our summer resource page found at www.usd379.org/info we will continue to add to this as we have more information or opportunities to share! #usd379 #bettertogether

LES Legacy Wall in-town bus tour is done! We are heading back to the bus barn for a break until 1:00. At 1:00, the bus will be leaving the bus barn & heading to Garfield. If you’re an out-of-town 3rd grader, & you were asked to come to the Garfield site, we will see you then!!

LES Legacy Wall is on 9th Street, from Liberty to Franklin

LES Legacy Wall is on Liberty from 8th to 9th

LES Legacy Wall is taking Liberty from 4th to 6th

LES Legacy Wall is taking Arthur East from 4th to 8th

LES Legacy Wall is on Garfield, from 3rd to 7th