Nothing is better on a Friday than Minute-to-win- it is during lunch!! Here are our winners from 1st lunch and 2nd lunch...Golf ball stack.

Good Luck to all our track athletes in their all-day track meet in Riley County!

Today's Bengal Spotlight Featured department is our amazing Office staff! We are so thankful to Mrs. Dunn, Mrs. Snyder, and Mrs. Williams for all they do to make CCCMS such a positive and welcoming place! Happy Administrative Professionals' Day!
Michelle Dunn has worked as a secretary for USD 379 since 2010. She and her husband Scott have a daughter, Rylee who is a senior, and a son, Wyatt, who is a freshman. Her favorite things are spending time with her family, tacos, and online shopping (with coupons). She is an asset to the entire USD #379 district as she is usually the go-to secretary for questions, training, backup, and support of other secretaries in the district, we would be lost without her!
Ashley Snyder is in her 1st year as a secretary for USD 379. She moved from Smith Center, KS last summer. Her husband who is a paramedic for Riley County EMS is what brought them to Clay Center. They have 3 daughters, a 2nd grader, Kindergartener, and Preschooler. She enjoys spending her time with her family and working out. Ashley definitely brings humor and smiles to CCCMS which is a huge necessity!
Jenn Williams is in her 6th year working with USD 379 as a secretary & food service staff. She moved from Massachusetts in 2014 with her husband & their daughter, Abigail. They now live in Green & have since had 2 more daughters, Arya & Kira, & added 2 dogs, 2 cats, 2 turtles, & several chickens. She enjoys spending time with her family, working in her garden, baking, reading & crafting.
Thanks for all you three do for the school, students, teachers, staff, and the district as a whole not all superheroes wear capes!

Today's Bengal Spotlight Featured team is our 8th-grade boys track team! They have done amazing things this year! They placed 2nd in Abilene, 1st in Minneapolis, 2nd in their home met, and 6th at Wamego as a team! There has also been a few school records beat! Keep up the awesome work Bengals! They are in action again this Thursday in Riley.

Please find information and documents related to Middle School Summer Opportunities for your student below:
#1 - CCCMS/K-State Virtual STEAM Camp - Free to CCCMS Students
Session Choices: (Come for 1 week, 2 weeks, or all 3 weeks) - 8:30 - Noon
Week 1: June 5-8
Math of Games
Celebrating the "Art" of Language Arts
Stop Motion Animation Fun!
Week 2: June 12-15
The Comic Book Club
Inspired by Art
Block Coding BootCamp
Week 3: June 19-22
MUSIC - Music Uniting STEM is Cool
Powers Unite: Superhero & Villain STEAM
Planet Podcast
You can scan the QR code on the flyer to sign up.
#2 - CCCMS Football Camp Flyer (Incoming 7th & 8th Graders)
June 12-13; June 15-16 - (7:00 - 8:30am)
#3 - CCCMS Volleyball Camp - (Incoming 6th, 7th & 8th Graders)
May 30 - June 2nd (2:30 - 4:00pm) - Flyer coming soon.
#4 - Tiger Sharks Swim Team Informational Flyer - (All Ages)
Deadline to register is May 1st.
#5 - Band Camp
Feel free to give us a call at the school 785-632-3232 if you have any questions.
Keith Hoffman
CCCMS Principal

Today's Bengal Spotlight featured PAWS class is Mrs. Browns! Mrs. Brown's PAWS class meets every morning from 8:10 to 8:30. Some of the activities they do during this time is they go over the weekly Social-Emotional Learning Video, record grades, read the bulletin, watch book trailers, check emails, do the calendar, and listen to Mrs. Brown read. Their favorite book so far is The One and Only Ivan. They are almost done with Pax, which they also think is a great book.

Engineering Fair

Good luck to our Track Athletes today in Wamego!

Our #BengalSTRONG featured department this week is our LIbrary. The Bengal Library is very fortunate to be open each school day, from 7:45 - 3:45pm. Mrs. Tasha Siemers serves as our Library Aide. Mrs. Siemers does an excellent job helping students find high interest books, at their reading level or providing recommendations on books which students may enjoy reading. In addition to her Library duties, Mrs. Siemers helps keep our CCCMS Technology and Social Media updated with school events, and student, staff, and team events being posted on a daily basis. We appreciate the many talents that Mrs. Siemers brings to the students, and staff at CCCMS. Mrs. Siemers started in the CCCMS Bengal Library in 2015, where it instantly became her happy place! She has been married to Daniel Siemers for just under 16 years, Daniel serves our community as a local Firefighter. They have two boys, Daniel Jr. who is an 8th grader at CCCMS, and Kadyn who attends Garfield Elementary as a 5th grader. If you count all her “Adopted” student children I am sure she is in competition with the Old Lady Who Lived in a Shoe.
Mrs. Auld, CCCMS Librarian, is also the Librarian at Lincoln Elementary and Wakefield School. Needless to say, Mrs. Auld's time at CCCMS is limited to 4 hours per week. During her four hours, she is working with students, and teachers, teaching library lessons, and providing support. We appreciate the skills and expertise that Mrs. Auld brings to CCCMS. Mrs. Auld is in her 18th year of teaching and her 10th year as Library Media Specialist. Although she is not in the building a lot she is always available through email. She is married to Andy who is on the school board. They have three human children: Zoe is a senior at Bethany College, Jorja is a sophomore at CCCHS, and Reece is a 6th grader here at CCCMS. They also have two fur babies: Rut and Finn who are both one year old.
Sunday was National Librarian Day and we must say we are very blessed in our Bengal Library!

For the first time in the history of the CCCMS March Madness Book Battle a teacher has won our bracket contest.
The winning book for the 2022-23 school year was the Harry Potter series.
The winning bracket goes to Mrs. Koster! Congratulations Mrs. Koster.

Today is our Home Track meet hosted in Abilene at 2 pm. Good Luck to all of our Bengal Track Athletes and a huge thank you to the High School track team, the Abilene school district, and all the volunteers helping to make the meet happen!

Today's Bengal Spotlight Featured PAWS is Mrs. Bauer's class!! There is not a better way to start the day than PAWS. Having all the grade levels in class makes for interesting discussions about current events and what is happening at school. Every week we discuss the SEL video and check grades. One of our favorite things to do is PAWS Challenges in the gym.

Good Luck to all of our Bengal Track athletes today in Minneapolis!

After six years of dedication to the district improvement process, USD 379 has been accredited by the Kansas State Board of Education. This is a tremendous accomplishment for our staff, students, parents, and community. #bettertogether #usd379

Today's Bengal Spotlight Featured Department is our 7th Grade Girls Track team! They have had a great start to their season. Catch them in action again this week, Thursday @ 2pm in Minneapolis!

National Robotics Week

Today's Bengal Spotlight Featured PAWS is Mr. Lane's class!!
Hello from the "Laniacs," Mr. Lane's PAWS class. We love playing ping pong on Fridays, having Mr. Lane's pancakes, eating donuts, winning at dodgeball, and playing games. We are a quiet bunch unless we are competing in a challenge. We've reached our goal of having every student with all A's-B's-or C's in 2 of the first 3 quarters.

National Robotics Week

National Robotics Week

This afternoon, part of our in-service time will be a combined effort with local emergency personnel for crisis planning at CCCMS. If you see emergency personnel movement at that time, please know it is just a drill. Thanks for your support!