We would love to see you Wednesday night at the United Methodist Church Life Center! #usd379 #Garfield379
9 months ago, Stefanie Lane
Walking Taco
Another Pic with the Principal is celebrating this 4th grade leader who has supported a new student each week of Keyboarding, helping them find their routine, get setup and leading by a positive example! We are thankful for her, and her kind heart! #usd379 #Garfield379
10 months ago, Stefanie Lane
4th grade leader
We would love to see you on Halloween at GES! See the flyer below for details. #usd379 #Garfield379
10 months ago, Stefanie Lane
Halloween: Walk the Block
This Garfield leader is receiving a Pic with the Principal because he spends each day being purposeful with his words and choosing to be inclusive to all. We are so proud of how he treats those around him! Thanks for showcasing our Jr. Bengal values everyday! #usd379 #Garfield379
10 months ago, Stefanie Lane
Student Leader
This Garfield leader is receiving a Pic with the Principal because he spends each day being purposeful with his words and choosing to be inclusive to all. We are so proud of how he treats those around him! Thanks for showcasing our Jr. Bengal values everyday! #usd379 #Garfield379
10 months ago, Stefanie Lane
Student Leader
This 4th grade leader was caught by lunchroom staff inviting a new student to sit with him and his friends. He displayed an inclusive attitude that made everyone feel like they had a seat at the table! Way to go sir! #usd379 #Garfield379
10 months ago, Stefanie Lane
4th grade leader
Happy World Teachers' Day to all of our Teachers at GES and in USD 379. We are so lucky to have high quality educators who love our students and are dedicated to our Jr. Bengal community. Take a moment to tag a teacher who has made an impact in your or your student's life! Thank you teachers! #usd379 #Garfield379
10 months ago, Stefanie Lane
World Teachers' Day
Today our Pic with the Principal goes to this 5th grade leader who saw a classmate struggling with a Math concept, and took time out of his day to "teach, not tell" the learning process with his peer. We love watching our Jr. Bengals pour into servant leadership! Way to go friend! #usd379 #Garfield379
10 months ago, Stefanie Lane
5th grade leader
Our top class for our GES "Uncover the Mystery of Reading" Competition logged over 7,100 minutes! We are so proud of their determination and dedication to reading! They got to add 71 stickers to our mystery picture behind them! We are slowly uncovering the hidden picture! #usd379 #Garfield379
10 months ago, Stefanie Lane
Uncover the Mystery of Reading
Another Pic with the Principal goes to this 4th grade leader who went out of his way to pick up equipment that were left behind on the playground. He took responsibility for items that were not his. We are very thankful for kids like him who do the right thing even when no one is looking! #usd379 #Garfield379
10 months ago, Stefanie Lane
4th grade leader
So excited to celebrate this 4th grade leader! She always takes initiative in class to help out her teacher, a substitute, a new student or her classmates. We are so proud of her attitude and hard work! #usd379 #Garfield379
10 months ago, Stefanie Lane
4th Grade leader
Just a reminder GES will be celebrating a Spirit Week next week for Homecoming! See our days below! #usd379 #Garfield379
10 months ago, Stefanie Lane
Homecoming Week
Another Pic with the Principal goes to this 4th grade leader who demonstrated responsibility by completing tasks in the library automatically and with a positive attitude. What a great role model! #usd379 #Garfield379
10 months ago, Stefanie Lane
4th grade leader
Just a reminder: GES Picture Day is Thursday, September 28! See information below for purchasing pictures!
10 months ago, Stefanie Lane
Picture Day Information
Our next Pic with the Principal goes to a 4th grade leader who works hard in class, consistently includes others, always has a positive attitude and uses her time wisely. This 4th grader showcases leadership through her daily actions and kind words. We are thankful to have her at GES! #garfield379 #usd379
10 months ago, Stefanie Lane
4th grade leader
Another day for a Pic with the Principal highlights this young man who went above and beyond for a substitute guest teacher in our building. Thankful for his leadership. #usd379 #Garfield379
11 months ago, Stefanie Lane
Pic with the Principal
Our next Pic with the Principal goes to this 5th grade leader. He consistently helps students in the lunchroom, sits by students who are new to GES, lends a helping hand across our building and always has a positive mindset. We are thankful for his leadership! #usd379 #Garfield379
11 months ago, Stefanie Lane
5th grade leader
We are thankful to the Bus Barn, Mr. McCoy and Mr. Kaufman for coming and leading our students through a bus safety discussion and bus evacuation drill. Learning about bus safety is important for daily riders, field trips and those who plan to play sports or join clubs as they are older! #usd379 #Garfield379
11 months ago, Stefanie Lane
Bus Safety Drill
Bus Safety Dril
Bus Safety Drill
Our first Pic with the Principal goes to a 4th grade friend who wraps up each day by stopping in offices, classrooms, and teacher workspaces to take out the trash and put in a new trash bag. We are so thankful for his leadership and kind heart! #usd379 #garfield379
11 months ago, Stefanie Lane
Pic with a Principal
Check out what Chartwells and Mrs. Melton are serving up at GES! We are so thankful for all of the fresh choices served daily. Did you know that Chartwells offers a variety of fruits and vegetables that students can choose from every single day? #Garfield379 #usd379
11 months ago, Stefanie Lane
Chartwells Choices